Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Review By a friend :)

Viral Match by Rajesh Khullar

Is this a text book about AIDS or what?!? This was the first feeling I got after reading the book. The author desperately tries to scare people to stay away from post-marital affairs. He dumps the reader with unwanted gyan about AIDS and the main characters seem to be somewhere in the background.

The story is about this hard working stud Vishal and his very faithful wife Vandana. A pregnant Vandana pays a visit to her family doctor who informs her that she is HIV+. Worried about herself and the unborn child, Vandana starts to suspect Vishal’s faithfulness.

Vishal is a young successful entrepreneur who runs a software company in Gurgaon. Even with such a caring wife he turns out to be unfaithful. Vishal has 3 to 4 post-marital affairs ranging from his college-mate to a business partner’s wife. Vandana insists him to get tested for HIV & hints on the possibility of her being HIV+. Vishal thinks he has been affected with HIV during one of his many ‘adventures’.

Vandana on the other hand has no concrete evidence with which she can confront him directly. So, with the help of a close friend she spies on Vishal and enlists all the possibilities. One of the possibilities is an emergency blood transfusion which Vishal had in Chennai after a head injury.

The rest of the story revolves around how Vishal has been affected with this virus. Was it during one of his relationships? If yes, with whom & when? Or was it during the blood transfusion in Chennai? If it was, doesn’t the virus die within 20 seconds when outside the human body?



gypsy said...


Haven't read it...And after reading the review, don't plan to read it...

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Dev. said...

nice post dude..